Sunday 20 June 2010

And so it begins...


Anonymous said...

I must say guys, as nice as it is to see you making the effort to keep everyone upto date with trends and whatnot, unfortunately, there are always going to be people out there who want to be the leaders in terms of innovation in fashion etc. There are also tonnes of people out there who can throw together colourful clothes, old school nikes and new era hats in a bid to look something like they're part of 'nerd', hence making this a type of clone in itself.
If you really want to go against the norm,you'll have to get thinking a bit harder..
sorry to leave such a hateful comment.

Anonymous said...

noticing how you tried to incoorperate themes from the whole 'new world order' shit with the shapes an all that in your logo.. and the 'divide and conquer' motto, its bollucks, and it is't new or original. all saints have made that thiers and it wasnt even thiers to start with, loads of people have done it none of this shits new, fuck me this is sickening how unoriginal you guys are! actually get your own shit on the go, or at least be sheep to something that hasnt yet become mainstream! although it all does sooner or later anyway.

Satan said...

Im honoured that this blog has caused you "anonymous" fellows to feel such disgust in what we do. A bit of controversy is always a good thing in todays society, i'm so pleased to read through your comments that you put your own valuable time and effort into.
In regards to your comment on 'the new world order shit' this really shows how narrow minded and uneducated you are in said freemasonry and other fraternity's.
"The Ruling Elite" does not try to mimic that of any what your trying to insinuate. although we use various mottos and allegory from british history, our general theme is that of the 1920's art deco period. The shapes your claim are used by "all saints have made that theirs" are completely wrong and immature of yourself to believe so. im glad we make you sick.. and shall carry on doing so for a long time.

Also to reply to the first comment regarding the whole nerd image. I can appreciate your perception on street wear to be such as that... and its this which we are trying to change peoples perception on. i agree with you totally in regards to the whole "new era, old school nike" image... however i think you've tried to brand us in the same way as everyone else, we've only been going a week or so... in time you shall see what were all about.

were doing ours, you do yours.

Anonymous said...

well son, i guess its fair to say my bad. if 1920s art deco is what your going for, then i applaud you. seriously, that is cool. i guess i may have been eager to conclude too soon, seeing you as part of previous bullshit i have seen, rather then something new and independant.
however i dont assosciate it with freemasonry and whatnot, nor do i that with allsaints. only i have seen and heard so much bullshit from people who like to believe in fantasy, linking them all together due to a few shapes that are now associated with freemasonry due to misconception that i assumed the same was being done here, so again, my apologies.
anyway, if new concepts and ideas is what you promise to bring, then i shall look forward to seeing them. undeniabley, a page like this is set up for the people to see, and honest opinions be left. im sure i will continue to find the time to criticise or compliment your work and ideas, as do most people find the time to update useless facebook statuses that no one really gives a shit about, and indulge in other activity that many may see as pointless. however, i always think an honest critic can only do good, maybe even to themselves sometimes.

i look forward to being surprised.
well,you really couldnt even guess.


'sach's' photography is shit. leave it to nisheel, he/she has potential.